unlock the magic of misfits

I have a deep-seated passion for unlocking the 'Magic of Misfits’

Often, those who find themselves struggling to fit into conventional molds are the ones who harbor the most extraordinary potential. These misfits, through their unique journeys, develop creative and innovative ways to grow, evolve, and excel. My approach centers on recognizing and nurturing this hidden potential. By providing the right support and understanding, these individuals can transform their perceived weaknesses into profound strengths, leading to exceptional effectiveness and success.

This belief in the transformative power of the misfit is the cornerstone of my philosophy and the driving force behind my work.

Coaching and Consulting for Transformational Growth

  • Coaching for Individuals

    It is all too easy to lose ourselves in an attempt to fit into corporate environments, especially when you feel like a misfit. But existing from a place of inauthenticity is both exhausting and ineffective. Lead from a strong foundation by deeply exploring your core values and the events that have made you who you are. From there go on to imagine a career evolution that is exciting, motivating, and aligned with your authentic self. Embrace the magic within your unique journey and turn it into your greatest asset.

  • Coaching for Managers

    In today’s fast-paced corporate world, effective management goes beyond just overseeing tasks and meeting targets. It's about fostering a culture of empathy and connection within your team. We must equip leaders with the skills to understand and resonate with their team members' unique experiences and perspectives while also safeguarding the managers' own well-being. Support managers as they navigate one of the most challenging aspects of leadership—cultivating a workplace where empathy and productivity can coexist.

  • Corporate Consulting

    Empowering HR and business teams to create sustainable strategies for employee retention, career growth, and enhanced productivity will drive business results. By understanding the unique dynamics of your organization, we collaboratively develop tailored approaches that not only support the individual growth of each employee but also drive overall organizational success. This holistic strategy ensures a thriving workplace where employees feel valued and motivated, leading to better outcomes for all.

My Personal Story

I had a rough start to my work life. I had a chip on my shoulder and a long way to go in understanding proper workplace behavior - talk about being a misfit! I couldn’t manage my emotions, had angry outbursts and did some stupid things. When I think back to some of those early episodes, I cringe!

If you were to ask the young woman I was where she would be today, the answer would be a far cry from reality.

What I lacked in maturity I made up for in grit. I was determined to evolve - to learn, to grow, and to be impactful. I went from being very “rough around the edges” to becoming an effective leader able to rise to the executive ranks - all with the support of amazing coaches - and while retaining the core of who I am.

This is what I want for you and your employees.

Contact Me

Want to learn more? Reach out and I will be back to you as soon as I can. You can also book time to chat.