Beyond the Engagement Survey: Rethinking How We Measure Employee Satisfaction
Cheryl Porro Cheryl Porro

Beyond the Engagement Survey: Rethinking How We Measure Employee Satisfaction

In an era where data is king and AI our new court advisor, relying solely on annual engagement surveys is like using a sundial in the age of smartwatches. It's time to embrace the pulses of real-time feedback, turning fleeting sentiments into actionable insights. Let's not just ask how our employees feel once a year; let's be attuned to their evolving needs every day. Because true engagement doesn't just happen in an annual survey – it's the continuous hum in the heartbeat of our organizations.

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Top 5 Ways to Create Psychological Safety for Your Team
Cheryl Porro Cheryl Porro

Top 5 Ways to Create Psychological Safety for Your Team

Creating a psychologically safe workplace is more than a goal; it's a journey of continuous improvement. It starts with open communication, where every voice is heard and valued. By showing empathy, celebrating learning from mistakes, leading by example, and fostering inclusivity, managers can cultivate an environment where team members feel secure, respected, and empowered. Remember, psychological safety isn't just about comfort—it's the bedrock upon which innovative and high-performing teams are built. Embrace these five practices, and you'll not only see a transformation in your team's dynamics but also in their collective success.

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